Invited Speakers



Prof : Mohamed Bakhouya


International University of Rabat

Computer Science Department 

Technopolis, Rabat-Shore 11 100 Sala el Jadida, Morocco

Title : Real-time Monitoring and Data Processing Using IoT, Big Data Technologies, and WSNs


Abstract : Recent advances in pervasive technologies, such as wireless ad hoc networks and wearable sensor devices, allow the connection of everyday things to the Internet, commonly denoted as Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is seen as an enabler to the development of intelligent and context-aware services and applications. These services could dynamically react to the environment changes and users’ preferences. The main aim is to make users’ life more comfortable according to their locations, current requirements, and on-going activities. However, handling dynamic and frequent context changes is a difficult task without a real-time event/data acquisition and processing platform. Big data, WSN, and IoT technologies have been recently proposed for timely gathering and analysing information (i.e., data, events) streams. In this talk, we shed more light on the potential of these technologies for continuous and real-time data monitoring and processing in different real-case applications. 


Doctor : Amine Dahane

University of Sciences and Technology, Oran.

Topic: A Distributed and Safe Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

Amine Dahane, Ph.D in University of Sciences & Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, Laboratoire des Systèmes Intelligent (LARESI)Oran, Algeria.

His main research interest includes wireless sensor networks, their  security, routing and management, Intrusion detection, Bio Inspired Algorithms, Internet of Things. 



Professor : Bennai Mohamed

University Hassan II, FSBM, Casa, Morocco.

Topic: Quantum cryptography: Applications

Mohamed Bennai  is a  Professor of quantum physics at Hassan II University Casablanca Morocco. He is also a visiting Professor of Theoretical Physics at Mohamed V University Rabat Morocco. He received CEA (1990), DES (1993) and PhD (2002) in Physics from Hassan II Casablanca University. He is actually a Research Director of quantum physics group at the Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics of Ben M’sik Sciences Faculty, Casablanca, Morocco.



imagAsimiProfessor :Ahmed ASIMI
Faculty of Sciences, University Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco

Topic : Security Issues in Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Web 2.0


ASIMI Ahmed is a full professor at the Faculty of Science,   Agadir, Morocco. He received his Ph.D degree in Number theory from Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University Mohammed V, Agdal in 2001, Morocco. He is reviewer at the International Journal of Network Security (IJNS) and at the journal of Computer and Information Science. He is a speaker in national and international conferences on the topics of cryptology and computer security. His main areas of research interests include Number theory, Code theory, Computer Cryptology, Computer and Network Security. 


gahi Professor : Youssef GAHI

Topic: Is Homomorphic encryption the ultimate solution for cloud computing security?


Youssef GAHI was born in Rabat, Morocco. He received the Master degree and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University Mohammed 5 Rabat, Morocco, in 2008 and 2013, respectively.

He is currently a Professor at Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées (ENSA), University Ibn Toufail, Kénitra, Morocco, and research associate at the University of Ottawa.

 From 2008 to 2015, he was a software engineer and solution architect at Alcatel-Lucent Morocco. Since 2015, he has been a senior consultant in mobility solutions, software architecture, big data, and information security at OCTO Technology. His research interests include security in cloud computing, big data, and healthcare solutions.

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